Secret Santa 2024
Fletch sounds much better then fezch in my opinion
With using names hmm wait for being ofical we will also add our photos nad wirte something more about us.
What we like, what we dislike etc.

And I bet that you can't say my secondname corectly
Jakub Włodarski [Jackob but shortcut of this name is Kuba so it isn't so far from "Baku"]

If it oges about awesomens of our new memeber - this is great but I'm afreid I can't be this awesome in my life :P

MetroX - your long post are much nicer for eye And I see you write only post like this
That is really nice improvement :highfive

Sniper and secreas - shor post ... I will dump on your doormats :P
[and if someone say this is fight I will dump on their doormats. This is a joke]
Funny way to die :)
Thanks Baku, its good getting more out of our posts. And Playaj, i do hope you think about taking Secreas off trainee status.

Baku i have a few questions, where do you live, and what does "miszcz" mean? Im not a stalker btw ;)
Baku lives in Poland.
Mistrz=Master Miszcz is mispelled.
Sniper, 1 more short post not saying anything important and you'll be warned.
MetroX, Sacreas is trainee cuz of his post count, not cuz of his fight skills.
Gratz on 100th post Metro ;p
Oh thanks, i can't believe i just got to 1000 posts on MetroMan. Oh well, what does post count mean anyway? im active so it shall grow gradually.

Kordiss have you sold your 10k set yet? ;)
Yes i totally agree Sacreas is a brilliant player. He has so much potential. But the only reason i am keeping him as a trainee is because of his post count.

DW you will get normal member really soon if you just go post everywhere in the forums. Ive seen ppl that post like 30 times a day average :P
I made a new set [I show this legs before]
Demon pure set. Ninja of some kind
Maby Zebra ninja? it dosn't metter.

Here is the spinny head:

And here is the spinny head of dark version of this set [I'm still recoloring the rest]

When I finish recolouring both sets will be on auction.

P.S When I look on this picture I realise that I need to do close up of shoulders from top to show their awesomnes
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Apr 6, 2009 at 12:57 PM.
Funny way to die :)
I love the set Baku.
The trails are über
You is getting better and better : )

Last edited by Xilitor; Apr 6, 2009 at 04:34 PM.
I forgot to say, that if you do good things for the clan (e.g. introducing the points system was a good one) then you will get points for it. SO keep thinking of bright and new ideas

And micho, no you wont get points for the points system :P
Hey all my real name is Michel (its a French name) you can call me mich or micho ( lol i used my nick as my tb name :P)

Baku how do you change your joint colors if you don't have them. Please tell me I need to know I want to train myself on making sets.

Playaj hows the shop going? I just love the example u made for me Its my wallpaper on pc and phone :P

Playaj: U beat my post D: :P
I am thinking of some other ideas but why cant i have some points for my idea? D:
Last edited by micho; Apr 6, 2009 at 04:35 PM.