I posted the following in their talk thread
Hello, Electric Clan, My name is MasterFate, Co-leader of Origin. I must sadly inform you that one of your members seems to have a serious problem with our clan. DeakManiac, a former origin member himself has recently been saying some "reckless" things in both our private Origin Skype chat and our Forum threads. Even going as far as threatening our members lives in real life. As silly as this might sound I am not taking this lightly and have taken this as a measure to stop it before I gets out of hand. Now under normal circumstances I would have already have handled this problem within my own clan but I'd seems as though he wants to drag Electric as a whole into the feud as well, something I know as recovering clans we no the do not need. I also want it to be known that this is not me asking you to kick him for that would bring more harm than good I'm asking for someone from Electric to have a talk with him since no one at Origin could seem to get through to him. I hate having to do this but I needed to notify you if his 'childish' behavior. Neither he or we were in the right with what was said in the skype and talk threads but I will not have someone threaten bodily harm to my members. Hopefully I won't have to do this again... Ever. If you need an example of what was said in both chats fell free to visit our talk thread or pm me and I will send you a copy of the skype log for I am too tired to do so right now. Thank you for your time.
Hopefully this will get through to someone if not then inb4 electric is a sworn enemy. I'm pretty sure twilight is a reliable person.
Last edited by Fates; Jun 12, 2015 at 06:04 AM.