Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post
So I've been thinking about a sort of multi purpose "training grounds" mod specificly for the Hunters clan. Basicly it will be a 5 in one official Hunters mod :

Ground level - running, lenshu and sparing fights

Top level - parkour training ( short trick or training session)

The enviroment itself will be small and compact wich will be good because it will give the players more veriety and posibilities. The bottom section will have open but there will be a type of boarder. As for the top section , I will try to inclued all aspects of parkour ( swing chain, bars, vaulting, wall runs,ect..) but it will depend on the object ratio. All of this will look as if its one structure.

I have finished the mods I was working on and about to release them so I have a bit of free time to do this. Oh and adjusting the gamerules to match the style of fight or run will be simple , you'll just have to change the engage distance and height or maybe the turnframes for lenshu.

So what setting do you guys want it to take place in ? Nature , city , urban ?

i wouldn't mind taking place in either the city, or urban setting if you dont mind
I would like it urban.

Also about ACTA, it seems that Germany is about to sign it . At least currently most of the politicians support ACTA. But nothing is sure yet so lets hope the best.
I actualy hope everyone passes that treaty to a degree , it would be interesting to see the outcome.

Alright I'll come up with an urban enviroment , Im alittle eager to start this mod . If my design works ( and I just realized this) , the function of the structure will provide alot more veriety then what I said previously ( gap jousting, angled vautling, high platform sparing, monkey climbing).
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
Hello! How you been?

I have been good. You?
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Originally Posted by UNDEAD21 View Post
I have been good. You?

I'am in search for the perfect sparring partner.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO