The [Meta]gamer's Handbook: The Seemingly Unwritten Rules of Internal Clan Affairs
This document is confidential, and should be viewed only by members of [Meta]game. Do
NOT post the URL of this post in a public post.
I. Formatting
--- i. The font for the clan information thread, application thread, and any relevant future threads will be bolded Courier New.
--- ii. The clan colour is
#BEADFF, name pending.
--- iii. Tagged threads must use the tag [Meta]game.
II. Guidelines for replying to clan applications
--- n.
Do NOT divulge the information below to applicants. If possible, provide only your vote and personal reasoning. Co-leaders and leaders will provide information as needed.
--- i.
Originally Posted by Vradomor
I’ve listed off Do’s and Don’t Do’s, as well as what to look out for and what deserves an immediate rejection.
1. Do not answer an application if your vote is neutral. You aren't contributing meaningfully to the voting process.
2. Do not repeat the advice someone else has already given, except to clarify a point.
3. Do not accept anyone with severely flawed grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling. It will get on all of our nerves, we don’t want illiterates in a social group.
4. Not worthy of an immediate denial, but no application should have the line “I’m mature.” If you’re mature, you’d know not to say it. It’ll show for itself in the app.
5. If they’re not capable of reading the short list of directions, and are not capable of including all the information necessary, how can we expect them to follow anything else? Give em the no.
--- ii. It is preferable to remind applicants to use the correct spoiler tag with "You cannot win the game if you don't know its rules." as quoted from the first post.
--- iii. Optional rejection message: "GAME OVER. Would you like to play again? Insert credit: 10 days remaining."
--- iv. Two negative votes are required for rejection. Four positive votes are required for acceptance. Votes will be counted only if there is adequate reasoning behind them.
Last edited by Wight; Jan 28, 2014 at 10:09 AM.