Those three were gone, but Murm is still helping us alot here even he is not in the clan anymore (he jumped out to the sea when we are sleeping, we found his mesage in his bed in the morning, who was on the night patrol when that happens!?)
There is also many things happen when you were gone like clan vid (on progress), RIFT graphic novel, Squirre1 made his mixtape, etc. etc. etc.
Oh, some awesome members too, Galt (left), Reekondub (who was in MFR but he is part of us now, and being awesome here), Dragoblade (he make us a clan vid, still on progress), and some others too.
Anyway, welcome back! I really miss you.
EDIT: Grayve IS the captain actually.
Last edited by Sicks; Apr 26, 2010 at 01:05 PM.