Originally Posted by jcmert
I think aikido should join this conversation it would be very fun to have him join us in this
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also there's no way to blow up someone mind since scientist think the mind is in the soul which untill we can see and touch cannot blow up
Cartoon answered that..
Originally Posted by
But a soul in a scientists Eye is just blood and guts.
..with this.
Originally Posted by
well the problem withthat is that then you would just make everything impossible
because everything would be possible which means everything would also be Impossible so therefore Discouraging your hypothetical theory that yo could make everything possible
dont try to out wit a 14 year old with a 120 IQ
Not necessarily, will go into it later.
Also, 14 year old with a 120 IQ only means you're thinking at a 16-17 year old level. Once you hit 20-30 then the 120 IQ starts to become impressive. At your age, the scaling is a more important factor.
Originally Posted by
One can make seem possible the impossible by showing the ilusions of the possibilitys, nothing is impossible given the correct reality. One can also make the possible seem impossible giving distict options from the correct ones.
Originally Posted by
impossibility is the lack of possibilities therefore you are incorrect JC for if one situation has unlimited possibilities it isn't possible for it to be impossible.
Logical impossibilities. No matter which reality you go to, no matter how many chances you give it, logical impossibilities will never happen. They are direct contradictions of themselves and simply cannot be.
Ex: This apple exists and doesn't exist. (or for those who will come up with what you think is a clever loophole - This hydrogen molecule exists and doesn't exist.)
Originally Posted by
Well as I said we are putting iton the list until we can use it
such as we know how to make matter out of energy we just can't at the moment , and I never said that it owuldn't be possible in the future I belive we were talking about right now
thats another thing time it's relevent if we didn't think about it it wouldn't exist so is that even possible? or is it just simply all in our minds or mabey it's just how we think about reality
Making matter out of energy (while not possible now) would be extremely redundant. Only way we can get energy (pure energy) is with a matter / anti-matter explosion. It is a near perfect release of energy, and that would then have to be contained and manufactured into particles, etc. Pointless.
Also, for the second part... wut...
Originally Posted by
I think it is what our minds are capable of knowing based on what is already learned of from the past until present. The idea though, is to expand beyond our aspect, beyond logic, making the irrational, rational and the impossible, possible.
We do not look at the irrational and think "why not". We take evidence and what we've observed, come up with hypotheses that could possibly explain them, see where they lead, and if it makes sense, keep it as a theory.
Beyond logic there is nothing. >=)