cause we (I) are just that sexy... also emg luthery... why are you talking about sexual things when you clearly have no sense on how to do them besides from the porn you have watched... (too much burn well heres more) and if you keep on with the "Well i" crap... i will tell you what ive had... and i dont really wanna go there... (i got raped xD Jk) so just shtahhhhpppp also emg i agree luther will be a virgin forever and evermore and so will you if both of you keep this up.... (yes.. another burn) My opinion has been stated!
Note: i still type too much
Ze: thats cool bro!

Luther: seriously with the british stuff... Meh.. i dont take it to offence... CAUSE IM A MAAAANNNN ...... unlike you little boys and your Fake "Handjobs" (yes indeed another burn)
Last edited by Miku; Mar 23, 2013 at 06:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
sainz that is a retarded smile.
and dino, you saying you know how to do a handjob?
in that case... you're gay [insert burn here]
do you like it?