mercy, i just noticed that aha, deleted it. But yeah, probably glitched

Name: Just forget about it then, I don't have a problem with him. He's just posting aroundd
I didn't make any problem or any trouble I just need to b allies and know new friends..
Name: did I make with you anything?
Why are you interested in Atlantic anyway?
Last edited by Nearly; Feb 15, 2013 at 07:55 PM. Reason: My jokes are terrible
wow that
Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
Why are you interested in Atlantic anyway?

Show me your jokes!

Dont bother with me.
Originally Posted by mercykiller View Post
Nearlydead:I just found it active/Nice clan wished to be ally and liked the name

Nearlydead:I just found it active

found it active



You, sir... are hilarious.
I respect your sense of humor, trooper.
Now get your brush and scrub them toilets to make me proud, soldier!

Your necroposting just made me shred a tear.

Hacks: Still waiting for your friend invite at LoL. Or you already stopped playing it?
Last edited by Hayz; Feb 15, 2013 at 10:52 PM. Reason: because a edit only is never enough
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Your name on it is dathayz right?
I haven't been on the computer enough to get the new update. Once I do that I'll add you.
If you get on frequently, just add me and I'll accept when I get on. LoL Name: LeikoChan

So, yeah... I've decided to post. Problem is that I don't know what to actually post.
I guess a tori head with a cowboy hat will do the job: .

Alrighty... I'll be doing some toasts since it's 1 am and I'm somewhat hungry.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~