Secret Santa 2024
age: 21
belt: i dont even know
clans: none (on this account)
nationality: 'merca
mods: tk, aikido
reasons to join: im good
skills: i can make music
other qualities: i speak the good english
i would post replays, but i just got a new laptop and tb isnt working right now.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
Name: My name Is Skylar.

Age: I am 15, Almost 16.

Nationality: I am English. ( United Kingdom )

Belt: 10th Dan.

Preferred Mods: I enjoy many mods, My preferred mods are aikido, Tk and I enjoy sparring. because sparring is fun. I have also started making parkour replays..

Old Clans: Clans I stayed in for a long period of time: iCoF, Nao. Not so long: Incognito, enigma.

Why do you want to join?: This clan is amazing and the members are great, I know for a fact that Erth is a cool person. I still have yet to meet the others. Although, a few of you I may have met before.

What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?: I sometimes do art. so I can give you all free art... Probably. like lemons.. And.. more lemons.

Other Qualities: i sometimes Play the guitar, but i have kinda stopped playing it as of recently. I actually do art in real life, i just do a few doodles here and there. I do realism irl, Digitally i do cartoon stuff.

Lemon: Now! here is your sexy lemon!

and the replays: Some of them have messy bits in, no need to tell me that. :P

So im guessing i get a no?
My UrbanUnit Application
Belt:Black Belt
Preferred Mods:Aikido and Judo
Old Clanseath and Alive
Why do you want to join?:To learn from the best of the best in the clan
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?:My great Aikido and Judo
Other Qualities:N/A
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
We do not accept replays made on previous accounts. If you've made a new account, then make new replays.
Replay form: joshywosh - gg sparring.rpl, easy slice.rpl, epic.rpl
Draw a Lemon:
Age: 15
Nationality: UK (British)
Belt: Black
Preferred Mods: Aikido, ABD, Judo, maybe TK
Old Clans: Swish, Dynasty, Cry (Y)
Why do you want to join?: You guys are my frickin heros and I now want to be part of that community and really get to know the people who inspired me a bit better
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?: I am a pretty good player and I am commited, hardworking, active (Alot) and a nice guy
Other Qualities: I normally have quite a lot of TC and I stream here
You will need to include 3-5 replays.
4 Replays attached

Draw a lemon: Alright I do GSCE art so this is my best shot


Attached Files
Sparring with Myself.rpl (593.2 KB, 9 views)
Punch.rpl (106.9 KB, 9 views)
Destruction.rpl (85.2 KB, 8 views)
Bam.rpl (292.1 KB, 7 views)
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
post ur apply -samopal
Age: 12
Nationality: white
Belt: 5 dan
Preferred Mods: acrojoust, wushu
Old Clans: impact, fish, momentum
Why do you want to join?: numbers said i could join, samopal also agreed that i could join if i post my apply
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?: im a professional league of legends player and i also make some pretty cool youtube videos
Other Qualities: i'm 12 and avaliable all the time

Draw a Lemon:
Attached Files
echo- first replay.rpl (193.0 KB, 13 views)
echo- second replay.rpl (145.3 KB, 11 views)
echo- third replay.rpl (232.0 KB, 11 views)

Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
i'm gonna have to decline your no. feel free to send me the invite now

Chilling. Rip Urban unit