^ AD Jungling Soraka 4 life.
No shit!
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Words cannot describe how FUCKING AWESOME new soraka is.
She's ridiculously fun to play, wins her lane every time, and has a great teamfight presence if you have good positioning, and just fucking gimps their mid/solo top lane entirely.

She is pretty hilarious. Except people be baggin' mah ap carry soraka :<
Okay, I couldn't believe it, but then I tested and I admit Soraka is ridulously strong now. Outlaned some brand, then started destroying game with shredding and e nuking.

And every step I do as Soraka makes me laugh. Fun to play as hell.

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qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Okay, I couldn't believe it, but then I tested and I admit Soraka is ridulously strong now. Outlaned some brand, then started destroying game with shredding and e nuking.

And every step I do as Soraka makes me laugh. Fun to play as hell.

Are you me? I outlaned a brand and then did exactly that. Getting up starcall first is hilarious because starcall can 2 hit the ranged creeps at level 6. So much farm and harrass
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
She got remade?
I don't know where too see the changes and what not.
What is AD?

Attack damage.

And yeah, all heals got nerfed to the fucking ground, but soraka's damage on her q and e got overbuffed, so she cranks out some fucking deeps late game and rapes lanes.

I build rylai's on her for shits and giggles with my aoe q permaslow