Originally Posted by
You won't recover easy from skin cancer. I wish the best for her, though.
Application for being an ally of [SyN].
Hello. My name is Koen Mook, and I'd like to be an ally of SyN. I'm 13 years old, I suck at art, and I'm Dutch, that means that I have the same GMT as Sonny. (Nice guy, I know him irl.) More info here.
This is my Usercard:
I have never been banned.
Do you mean mods as in ingame like Aikido? Anyway, I like AikidoBigDojo and Jircle.
3. Yes, that's not much. I stopped playing ingame because I had found out that the forums are funnier.
8. I'm not that experienced in the forums.
That must be "/opt particles 0", because if I don't do that, it'll cause serious lag.
Become allies* I'd like to become allies with this clan because it seems to be a nice, active clan. (Blame my mainstreamness.) Also, I know people whose are in this clan. (×2.) And I'd like to become somewhat more active in other threads than in the raku board. Also, I've ran out of reasons. They've slipped my mind. D:
I hope I will get accepted for single allyship soon.
Kind regrats,
(Ps, this might be important info, my name isn't Slaughter, but SlaugTHer. You can just call me Slau, (I'd prefer not to be called by my real name) to get rid of the confusion.)
Oh, and some replays:
Well, that's a big alliance app, actually kinda laughed that you used the application format for people that want to join.
Huge yes from me my friend. \o/
And no to the applicant, too busy too go back to the previous page and search for his name.
Last edited by Olly; Jun 26, 2011 at 06:30 PM.
Reason: :|