Anyone take Lux as a viable champion? Im kinda liking her for all the time i played with her, but is hard to see players as lux, and most are too noob to be considered a Lux Player. But i seen to get a Quadra Kill and a Penta Kill with her, and almost another Penta... idk if you guys think that her is a viable champion to play on ranked, coz im not there yet, but... idk... of all AP Supports I tested, she's the best...

So, what is your guys opinion?
Proud member of [Essence]
Originally Posted by TheNine99 View Post
Anyone take Lux as a viable champion? Im kinda liking her for all the time i played with her, but is hard to see players as lux, and most are too noob to be considered a Lux Player. But i seen to get a Quadra Kill and a Penta Kill with her, and almost another Penta... idk if you guys think that her is a viable champion to play on ranked, coz im not there yet, but... idk... of all AP Supports I tested, she's the best...

So, what is your guys opinion?

She is more then viable. Also, she isn't a support.
A good lux can have a great laning phase and then proceed to snowball hard and rape teamfights from miles away. I'd prefer to have an orianna on my team, but lux is still a good champ
i hate lol sometimes.... i was in a team with 3 french and one afk.. nothing against french if they dont speak french with themselves and leaving me alone in mid without any attempt to avoid ganks by calling ss or so... not that i dont know the mechs of wards but still so annoying... two went feeding like hell... and i carried the game.. after that i just was like: wtf... i gonna troll the shit out of you... and went to trollmode with vlad.... ended the game with a ratio of 15-4-something and there reaction was: OMG REPORT VLAD SO AWFUL

orianna is so OP
Last edited by pinheads; Aug 28, 2011 at 02:25 AM.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Have they buffed Panth recently? All of a sudden he's a rape train.

Recent patch reworked his spear, stun, and heartseeker, as well as made his ult useful. His heartseeker strike should still be capable of dealing 600 damage aoe with just 1 bf sword. Add the stun, the spear, and the auto-attack or two you should get in, that's easily 1000 damage to a single target. And this can be as early as early-mid to mid game, depending on how fed you are. And you have to take into consideration he insta-crits if they are below 15% health with both spears and auto-attacks.

Easily could outlane 2 people as panth because of his spear harass and potential nuking capabilities (Numbers can attest to this, he's seen me do it multiple times). Level 2 spear shot should be doing an instant 100 - 150 ranged damage for only 40 mana. Plus some mana regen, you should be harassing the opponent to dangerously low levels, where they risk getting finished by a stun, heartseeker combo, effectively zoning them at any indication of aggression (as they have to start running as soon as you start, due to an above average ms). Add the ult that basically doubles as a teleport, you have all the ingredients for huge lane dominance.

/rant, but I've been so pissed that I haven't been able to play LoL that I just need to vent SOMETHING. Seriously, why the hell does my uni connection stop the client download :/
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Build Pantheon with a few AD items such as black cleaver/bloodthirster (second is optional but I really like black cleaver) i'm not sure if manamune is viable on him still but that used to be great. All his skills basically scale with AD so you don't get any AP at all.

Also, OrAclE, what's your ign? I assume you play on NA since you talked about playing with Numbers, I'd like to play with you sometime.