Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Early game dominance. With 3 dorans blades you've got a decent health pool and some ok damage. You can sell them as you need more space towards the mid game.

9% lifesteal is nothing to scoff at either.

With around 90 AD (What oyu get with 3 dorans blades), you'll be healing for about 8 hp a hit. 1 minion wave (Implying you last hit only) would be 50 hp back
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
9% lifesteal is nothing to scoff at either.

With around 90 AD (What oyu get with 3 dorans blades), you'll be healing for about 8 hp a hit. 1 minion wave (Implying you last hit only) would be 50 hp back

That's true as well.
ahw i hate feederteams.... i played my first game with vayne and got 5-0-0 after 12minutes... i had 8-8-0 after the game anded and my team had 9 kills O.e
BTW: what do you think about my runebuild for ADs:
magic resist(blue) and armor(yellow) flat
armorpen (red) and AD(quint)
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Not bad but would change blue for mp5 ones.
For AD carry I use armpen reds, mp5 blues, cstrike % yellows and HP quints, offtanks go well with armpen, armor, mr/lvl and HP quints.
Hey guys,I recently started playing LoL and I'm struggling to choose between two characters to buy - Nasus and Dr. Mundo.Which one survives better and which one deals more damage per second.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Hey guys,I recently started playing LoL and I'm struggling to choose between two characters to buy - Nasus and Dr. Mundo.Which one survives better and which one deals more damage per second.

If you're learning, get Mundo first. Nasus takes some practice because you're supposed to last-hit minions with Siphoning Strike decently to do well.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
I have another question.Why do I earn different amounts of influence points every game ? Is the amount gained based on kills or what ?
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
I have another question.Why do I earn different amounts of influence points every game ? Is the amount gained based on kills or what ?

* length of game
* mode
* win/lose
* you have increased ip gain at the beggining [to help you out with buying first champions]
* ip boosts bought for real money

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Perfect runes for tryndamere:
Marks - Armor penetration
Seals - Flat Armor
Glyphs - Flat Magic Resist
Quints - Armor penetration
If any questions why no crit dmg or crit chance, PM me.
Perfect runes for other AD champions like Xin Zhao and Brolaf:
Marks - Armor penetration
Seals - Flat Armor
Glyphs - Flat Magic Resist
Quints - Flat Health
Good AP runes (for mana and without it aswell):
Marks - Magic penetration
Seals - Mana Regen per lvl / Health per lvl
Glyphs - Flat AP
Quints - Flat Health / Flat AP
Cool AD runes:
Marks - Flat Damage
Seals - Flat Damage
Glyphs - Flat Damage
Quints - Flat Damage
Then buy 3 Dorans rings and youll get up to 10 kills by lvl 11.
Last edited by Lexx; Aug 29, 2011 at 10:40 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
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