*Name (Actual): James (Some call me Jamie)
*Date of Birth: 06/14/1999
*Location: North Eastern USA
GMT: Eastern Standard Time
Primary Language(s): English
Secondary Language(s): N/A
Belt: On here Black. In total I've been playing since june 18, 2012. I have I think in total about 10k qi. Somewhere in that range.
Alternate Accounts: Demini (Banned due to requesting it personally. I can explain more in depth in a conversation with leaders if needed)
GODzVital(I haven't touched this acc since like 2013. I dont even know the pass)
Preferred Mods: Boxshu_Mushu or ABD
Previous Clans:Obey (about 8 months until issues with certain members caused me to leave)
Vector (Didnt feel like a home)
Ae (Ae is just an awful clan with toxic people but a few hidden in there)
S7 (Died)
Oh (I made it with taco but being as I can't be on 24/7 I dont want to have the responsibility of leading a clan at the moment.)
Fl0w (I was only there for like 2 weeks but due to a confusion of mixing me up with Deminik)
Jolt (Personal issues with members)
Thief (Left to make Oh with Taco)
I've been playing for 4 years and have just been looking for a home. Most clans just are so spread out or don't fit together. A lot tend to be almost a shit show.
Biography: Well if you must know. I come from a broken household, I had heart surgery at the age of 13 and also kicked out in the same year. I work 2 jobs. I'm a volleyball scrub and a gym rat. I'm 17 as of tomorrow and I practically live on the beach in the summer. I freerun and trick a littlebit. If you want an essay on the subject I can post one soon. I'm just swamped with work at the moment.
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.): Skype - Dehbanana
Why You Want to Join: I'd been talking to kozmonaut about it quite a bit and I just feel like Elite has a chance to take the spot I call home.
What You Can Offer The Clan: I'm a decently known replay maker. I used to be anyway and I used to duel a lot especially in ABD and boxshu_mushu. I'm working on getting better at them again.
Replay Thread:
Referred By: Kozmonaut
Last edited by Demi; Jun 14, 2016 at 01:04 AM.