Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
he's not a carry (IMO). I tend to go for riftshards and whispering helm

Originally Posted by Blam View Post


Ganker/maybe a soft carry?

I don't see a contradiction.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
He said he's not a carry then he proceeds to say he gets carry items?

Gankers need reliable damage --> prodex,shieldbreaker,etc.
They're not exclusively carry items. I just like easy DPS and staying power in fights on him for mid-game teamfights.

Also I'd characterize him as more of a roamer.
Gladiator is not that good a roamer. His stun isn't very effective enough early game for him to sacrifice farming time. It's a much better idea to get a few levels and then start ganking. Whispering Helm is a decent choice as you can dominate minotaurs to gank better and the lifesteal is alright. Riftshards is wasted on him because his attack speed isn't high enough.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
Gladiator is not that good a roamer. His stun isn't very effective enough early game for him to sacrifice farming time. It's a much better idea to get a few levels and then start ganking. Whispering Helm is a decent choice as you can dominate minotaurs to gank better and the lifesteal is alright. Riftshards is wasted on him because his attack speed isn't high enough.

Whip crit's for true damage.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
Whip crit's for true damage.

So you're going to spend 2650 gold for a 10% chance that the crit will trigger when you whip? Much better to get Icebrand - Frostburn. The build up gives you decent stats, and once you have Frostburn you will be able to gank exceptionally well.
I envy you people who has the ability to play HoN.
Originally Posted by Aspire

Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
So you're going to spend 2650 gold for a 10% chance that the crit will trigger when you whip? Much better to get Icebrand - Frostburn. The build up gives you decent stats, and once you have Frostburn you will be able to gank exceptionally well.

I'm not going to, because I don't play gladiator, I was merely explaining part of why KiT would choose riftshards on him.

I play 6x steamboots night hound.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH