Wait, make the corners unrounded and use the same font as you did in mine.
That is the point of MATCHING avvys
okay okay, want me to use same pose to all avvys?
edit: here is kotetsuo avvy and sig

Last edited by azir; Nov 7, 2009 at 04:34 PM.
okay here is the avvys crazygreek but i still making the others and for kotetsuo, i already make it for him

but for melloman766, chrisrebel and CRASH3R, i can't download their texture i will try it again
Meloman766 doesn't have textures yet he is my alt I will get him some soon...

Amazing job so far!
thank you ! i will try to download chrisrebel and CRASH3R texture.
edit: i still can't :o, can you send me their costum folder?
Also, for meloman's put the name ToriDeath on it instead.
And I think you are spelling meloman766 wrong.
Only one L.
Thanks man

Aslo, Kotetsuo gotta name change and is now Diizzee, so make HIm an avvy instead cuz that is his new name.