If anybody's interesting, I'll host a game for a little bit tonight and for a few hours for the rest of the week. Will edit/new post when I have the times down for certain days.
Me and Gubbin have been co-oping this from the beginning. It's challenging as hell as the enemies are stronger and more abundant with a second person playing, but it's so much more fun. SO MUCH MORE FUN
If you want to get on this hot action then tell us, cause the more the merrier.
Last edited by BlakNWyte; Dec 31, 2009 at 09:41 AM.
Just got a new copy for Xbox, add me, im FaTaL LuNaTiiC (dont laugh, it was my old clan, when i was like, 8/9 :V)
Make sure to send me a message saying you are from tb and that you play borderlands :>