Seriously ,I don't mean to get you guys angry ,I'm being complete honest.I'm not a hacker or a scammer.I don't know why it says what it says.Believe me , I'd tell you guys if I knew what I did.And Anyways If I don't get in the clan ,I'll get over it and find another.I'm trying to be as co-opertive as I can cause I want to join this clan.Kick me out of the room If that's what makes you happy.I'll join another clan that will trust me, one I can trust myself.Although I want you guys to be the clan that I can trust but you guys all hate me and probably want to kick me out right now.I could really support your clan, Might not be rich, but I can help.So think 'bout that.I'll do what I can to join the IRC.

Hello all, most of you know me at least a little so im not going to go into too much detail with this application (unless you want me to?)
I have been in Atlantic for well over a year now and i believe that the time has come for a change, so i come to you, TLL, in the hope that you will accept me into the clan.
Thanks for reading.
DarkLight was infracted by a GM for creating a thread that deserved to be shamed. Apparently such infraction included an IRC ban. I would contact a GM regarding this, and if you already did and got a no as an answer...well.. you TLL for ya
Hey guys, well pretty much all of you know me. I would really love to be in this clan. It's full of cool people and skill. I get along with pretty much anybody unless they chose to not be to me. I love to chat with my friends and I'd be active in game and on the forums. If not, I will tell u otherwise. Generally when I'm not on I'm at hockey, or with some friends, chilling, at the mall, ect u get it : ).
I really enjoyed chillin with u guys earlier, it was a lot of fun. I really hope you will accept me. Fear091 told me to apply. Haha Fear I capitalized all of the I's for u man. See u guys later!!
Last edited by Supergoalieguy; Nov 19, 2011 at 05:06 AM.
Take a look at previous applications.
You'll notice that the successful ones generally outdo yours by quite some way, make an effort to improve your app please.
Application: My name's Joel, i'm 15 years old. Aswell as being very active on the forum i'm also fairly active ingame. I'm a blue belt and i'd personally state that my best mod is aikido/bd. In previous clans (Parrot, Card, Tea, etc.) the first thing i'd do when coming online is join the clan's irc, if I joined TLL I guarantee that I would be in the irc quite a lot. I respect other clan members and try my hardest to please the clan. My hobbies are soccer/football, art, animating, making games and socializing with friends.
If there's anything else you'd like me to go into detail with then I will and I hope you accept me!
- Thanks!
I had a previous account since 2007 (I have no proof, that's why I didn't mention it) but I forgot the pass and the name resulting in making this account. As for the clans I mentioned, one of them died ending up with me joining Parrot
Last edited by MintCat; Nov 19, 2011 at 09:06 PM.