Your either an idiot or a complete moron, pusga is much better than you, easily represented in this video by Hours
Would You Like A Chocolate?
Now check my replay thread InfernoXZ, he's just trying to start a fight because he's a little fucking fag
Would You Like A Chocolate?
Much better than the last one, dm's were better but don't grab dm but cut down on the random moves and spins. But good job Ty. 7.5/10
Also my most recent one.
Attached Files
B - House Party.rpl (260.0 KB, 15 views)
┣▇▇▇▇▇▇▇⊐═─ ··.[OSHI]
Tylander: That video is like a million years old.
And I am not trying to say that I'm better, I'm trying to say that he's being cocky and he is not better than anyone.

B: The opener was kinda twitchy, but ok.
The manip was decent. The first kick was amazing.
The crotch kick was also really good.
The skeet was funny I liked how you used you leg.
8/10 Overall great replay.
oh yeah
It's better but you still need practice, work on aiming your dm ahead of time and add more style to it, 7/10 your improving.
Also cnc my little parkour from a while ago.
Attached Files
B - Oldddd freerun edit.rpl (120.6 KB, 12 views)
┣▇▇▇▇▇▇▇⊐═─ ··.[OSHI]
Better than anything I could do.
My parkour attempt ended up in a disaster xD
Attached Files
pusga - Sweet Dreams.rpl (247.3 KB, 5 views)
oh yeah