Originally Posted by
omg faint we sed no so stop pawsting here n stove pls no spayum.
sht up bch i chose to jon so sht up bch u can suk my dick
wel mod sad ok so her it is
hio my names faint (i think) an i want join clan cuz u guys cool but nto fcade he sux cuz he tlod me i no elgiblef to jon clan. anewa uh i m 17 (i think) an i cud don8 n stuf cuz facde sux dik. o and i cud be c0-ldr ftw l0000000000000000l!!@!@#@$#! so aneway i shud be good enuf to jon clan cuz i wrk hard c0-ldr posishion but mur sad to stop pstin but aneway mod sad its ok so its ok probaly. k but gmt forgot it sry i thnk lik -9 or +4 i dunt remeber but k. o an i hav rich n lots of mony ok. o and fadace u suk cuz ur sig made me through up fk u. fk all clan
nt jonning cuz of cafade cuz he made anger. fk all clan
Last edited by Faint; Nov 2, 2011 at 03:16 PM.