Nickname: i guess the only one is Neved.
Realname: (noone saw this coming) Deven
Age: 15
Location: the US, but i wish i wasn't.
Quote: "st- just stop being so fucking fake. be yourself, don't you have anything besides TV? christ." -Me.
people call me smart because i have an IQ of 135 from 1 test and i almost have the best test scores for state made tests and blah blah fuck blah fuck blah.
truth is i'm a lazy antisocial bastard that can't talk to people at school.
atheist without caring what other people are, trying to make a new phrase for "what's the fucking point?"
and i guess delusional for thinking that any of you care.
thanks for reading and calling me an idiot in advance.
Last edited by Neved; Feb 26, 2009 at 05:34 AM.