No, I was making a stupid face, cause;
[1/04/2014 8:15:20 PM] VøøDøø (Kam): I
[1/04/2014 8:15:24 PM] VøøDøø (Kam): am going to
[1/04/2014 8:15:30 PM] VøøDøø (Kam): make a wierd face
[1/04/2014 8:15:40 PM] VøøDøø (Kam): and set it as my pic thingy on skype
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
I need more paper towels.


Also, break your phone, and get a new one.
Samsung is fucking awful.

Me and my eldest neice about an hour ago;


We was sharing some chippies and watching Origin.