oh jeez why you will be hated from all the people who don't like mainstream things

im personnally ok with undertale, i just played the game. no fandom or whatever
Warring Enf right now, jo goo
nvm over 7-5 my win (I basically solo'd that)
Last edited by KG7Eymeil; Aug 24, 2016 at 11:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I forgot the score i just now it was 7-4 or 5. lol i got up super early my time, like 830 early.(school) doesnt start for another 6 days
lol i love talking japanese in front of all american people. they be like wtf. why you insulte me, even tho i just usually say red strawberries
Last edited by KG7Eymeil; Aug 25, 2016 at 07:01 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I feel like doing this... prepare yourselves.
Trump or Killary?
Wild card Trump, or known criminal Hillary?
Mr. Doormat Burnie doesn't count.
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3