Christmas Lottery
pretty much how many more until he stops infractiong himself

Off Topic - Claninfraction ~blaj i mean frat

ignore that. he may not infract people ~ blaj

Off Topic - Claninfraction ~blaj

blaj, fogle said right here:
Frat57, since u were given mod rights, i do expect you to pull ur weight around here. this means cleaning up spam (yes i saw u workin the other day with that), and keeping things nice. but another thing that we could use is expansion. now that we have 3 mods, i would like for us to become larger. then when i feel we became big enough, maybe well just chill againg.

yea. clean as much as you want. just dont infract people. unless you want to piss me off ~blaj
Last edited by blaj; Feb 13, 2009 at 10:30 PM.
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
Belt:black belt
Playing since:last year
Mods you are good at:to many to count
Why do you want to join woor:other clan accepts any body
Why would we want you?:idk
Do you have msn/icq/irc?:no, but i do have a yahoo
Anything else to say?: Yes, I fail at life. -Fogle
Last edited by fogle; Feb 14, 2009 at 08:32 AM.
/Users/18239/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Feb 23, 2010/callsign-generator.php.png
Originally Posted by whynot120 View Post
Belt:black belt
Playing since:last year
Mods you are good at:to many to count
Why do you want to join woor:other clan accepts any body
Why would we want you?:idk
Do you have msn/icq/irc?:no, but i do have a yahoo
Anything else to say?:

you play since march 2008. why is this your first post?
i dont know the mod "too many to count"
the reason why we would want you sux
we dont have yahoo

go away

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
Belt: Black belt (believe me, Im very experienced).
Playing since: August 2008
Mods you are good at: Wushu, judo, kickbox and Taekkyon
Why do you want to join woor: Because i have been watching you guys and you seem to be very nice and great players so i leaved my former clan to apply for [Woor].
Why would we want you?: Im a really nice guy and im pretty skilled.
Do you have msn/icq/irc?: MSN and IRC
Anything else to say?: I dont really know if you will pick me but i will ensure you that i will be a great effort for your clan. And im very IRC active!

Excuse if there are any spelling fails, im pretty foreign.

Cheers PhilBro

EDIT: Added some replays.

Application is under progress ~blaj

Thx blaj ~PhilBro
Attached Files
Phil - splitcapfinal.rpl (102.0 KB, 7 views)
Phil - doublekickfinal.rpl (90.6 KB, 7 views)
Phil - manipstuff.rpl (91.3 KB, 6 views)
Phil - church.rpl (173.2 KB, 7 views)
epic headstealboom.rpl (66.0 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by PhilBro; Feb 14, 2009 at 02:01 PM.
mmk, good application, im on toribash right now, come and play with me if u want. it would make ur chances of getting in go up ALOT

i like him but i was just wondering what part of the world are you from phil?
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
hey guys!
Im sorry for not playing with you.
Im at my friends house ATM. But i will play with you as fast as i get the chance
BTW I live in Sweden and my timezone is GMT +1.
Im typing this on PS3 so i cant play ATM but i will as soon as i can.
tyvm for keeping up, even when not around a computer.


Belt: Blackbelt
Playing:about 3 months
Mods you are good at: Aikido,Judo,and classic
Why do you want to join woor: i like a respected clan
Why would we want you:I am very active and i have a tonn of friends (i are a girl)
do you have Msn/icq/irc: I have irc
Anything else you want to say:Im active about 6+ hours a day a ton on the forums and if this app wont do it for you than here are some of my replays
Attached Files
Br o yeah Dcap.rpl (336.8 KB, 4 views)
Br core pwnch.rpl (57.9 KB, 4 views)
Br hows this for style.rpl (148.5 KB, 4 views)
BR_hows_this_for_style is the epic.

/accepted by me.

horny tard
Last edited by blaj; Feb 15, 2009 at 12:20 PM.