pretty much how many more until he stops infractiong himself
Off Topic - Claninfraction ~blaj i mean frat
ignore that. he may not infract people ~ blaj
Off Topic - Claninfraction ~blaj
blaj, fogle said right here:
Frat57, since u were given mod rights, i do expect you to pull ur weight around here. this means
cleaning up spam (yes i saw u workin the other day with that), and keeping things nice. but another thing that we could use is expansion. now that we have 3 mods, i would like for us to become larger. then when i feel we became big enough, maybe well just chill againg.
yea. clean as much as you want. just dont infract people. unless you want to piss me off ~blaj
Last edited by blaj; Feb 13, 2009 at 10:30 PM.