Originally Posted by
If nobody replied to your app(which will not happen) you can just post it in our main desc page
PS:You Have to Include the word simba in your app
if u havent included he word simba u will be rejected immediately
and please include good reasons why should we let u in and why its
:P :P :P
Real Name(optional): woody
Belt(BrownBelt min): white ( alt of xxravennxx and of woodysaad) im 5th dan
Forum Activity[1/10]:8/10
Ingame Activity[1/10]: 8/10 ( finally tb is downloaded ! )
Country & Timezone:
Past Clans: none
If there is past clans
Why did u quit/get kicked? none
Why Its(more than 2 lines)?? for truth emile is my friend and he told me about the clan i thought that its not too good + i wasnt able to play i tld u that when i applied with xxravennxx.
Why Should We Let You In? my battle move are good + i can give u a big push when we are in war.
A Little Paragraph About Your Self: i started tb when i went to my frnd mark he was playin it so i loved the game he gave me the site where he downloaded it and i downloaded the game ! then i found multiplayer and i told emile about it and some of my friends too they all stopped it and said that its not good but emile ddnt then we continued it and we were partners (btw emile is my friend at school i mean bff at school).
Social Accounts(optional): Fb
Best Or Worst Modes(optional): best: abd-judo-parkour-spar / worst: i like all mods but im not very good at all .