Originally Posted by Slaybelle View Post
So question to Zeus and the higher-ups. =P

I don't know if the application voting system changed or anything, but I just posted there and it got me to wondering. Was I allowed to? I know I just got re-invited but I'm unranked which means I haven't been moved to my postion yet. Did I come in as a regular member again? Or do I have to do my trial again" That would suck lol.

Also is everyone still allowed to vote for apps?

Edit: If I wasn't allowed to post there I'm sorry. Just let me know and I'll delete it.

Those are trial members rules that you can find here.

Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post

- Respect everyone
- Don't post in another threads, Trial members just can post in the talk thread, or replay thread
- You will need wait a short time, if you got accept in our council you can post in every thread. (we will tell you if you got accepted)
- Don't ask to post in another threads or to got accept it will make your chances decrease.
- Be active in forums, it will increase your chances
- If council tell-you to make anything, just make, remember the 1st rule
- Take care with excessive spam, it will make your chances decrease too.
- Trial members aren't allowed to Vote in another members.
- Anything that you post out of the clan, will be considerated too, we don't want rude guys.
- Ingame activity isn't as important as forum one, your priority should be our board.
- No lies...

About your actual position, yes, you are a trial. We just need to check your activity before allowing you to officially return back. Once the trial ends you'll be moved to members rank instead of freshmen. You are in the same situation of Nagato.
Does that rule apply to returning staff, as well? I'm debating joining back, but I like being in relevant positions too much to accept what is in my mind a demotion.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Those are trial members rules that you can find here.

About your actual position, yes, you are a trial. We just need to check your activity before allowing you to officially return back. Once the trial ends you'll be moved to members rank instead of freshmen. You are in the same situation of Nagato.

Yeah but we have to up date the rules an what not a bit.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Does that rule apply to returning staff, as well? I'm debating joining back, but I like being in relevant positions too much to accept what is in my mind a demotion.

damn good question. I actually didn't thank that far , that's one of the key reasons we have to update it. I'll be adding rules that explain that a bit more.
Last edited by Zeus; Jul 29, 2015 at 12:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
damn good question. I actually didn't thank that far , that's one of the key reasons we have to update it. I'll be adding rules that explain that a bit more.

I think it's only fair if staff returning can at least bypass the trial member rank, within reason. Think about it: you trusted them to go to a higher position within ranks
Last edited by Nagato; Jul 29, 2015 at 02:41 PM.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
I think it's only fair if staff returning can at least bypass the trial member rank, within reason. Think about it: you trusted them to go to a higher position within ranks

actually if you look ate the jobs list thread i believe i wrote something about this predicament if it were to ever arise.

Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Below are all of the positions a standard origin member can receive at any given moment. in the brackets are the people who the application or decision goes to or is from and is voted on. you may send the application to the Head Council(man/woman) for it to be taken up to the core for decision. Voting times and length may vary.

Join the clan

Apply for a Trial
You are voted as a Trial member

Pass the two week period after you are accepted into the clan the first time.
Get Demoted. (council or Leader)
If you are a returning Member after leaving the clan for whatever reason but have not been seen in any other clan you are placed here.*

Get Promoted (council or Leader)
Get demoted (council or Leader)
Has been in the clan for at least 3 months

Participate in at least 30 wars
Get Promoted (council or Leader)
Get Demoted (council or Leader)

War General:
Has shown Outstanding work on the battle field and has proof of said work by a Council Member, Leader, or another General.
Get Promoted (council or Leader)
Get Demoted (council or Leader)
Apply (council)

War commander:
Has Shown on more than one occasion unbelievable Work and Skill In the Battle Field and Has Proof of said work by a Council Member, Leader, or General.
Get Promoted (council or Leader)
Apply (council)

A trusted individual who has shown patience, intelligence, integrity and honesty. is able to determine character traits as well as skill and finesse in game. Has proof of these abilities through application votes and test results.
Apply (Council)

Executive Recruiter:
Same as the recruiter but is in charge of keeping the other recruiters in check and makes sure tests and test results are in on time. Has the ability to Instantly Reject an application or an applicant based on application value, test results and the personality of the applicant.
Must have been a recruiter for 1 month.
Apply (Council)

Council Member:
Must be a trusted individual, who's ability to make long drawn out thoughts that is seen using both sides of the story. Must not be a biased thinker. Must put own opinions besides ones self to help deal with the challenge at hand.
Apply (council)
Promoted (Head Councilman or leader)

Head Council(man/woman):
Must be a trusted individual, who's ability to make long drawn out thoughts that is seen using both sides of the story. Must not be a biased thinker. Must put own opinions besides ones self to help deal with the challenge at hand. Has the ability to Veto Ideas and Votes given to any council related decision.
Must have been in the clan for more than 6 months.
Apply (Leader council)**

* depends on what the person was removed or left for.
** the vote excludes the current Head councilman from deciding and/or vetoing

Last edited by Fates; Jul 29, 2015 at 04:19 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by Fates View Post
actually if you look ate the jobs list thread i believe i wrote something about this predicament if it were to ever arise.

If that's the case shouldn't I be in freshman?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
k i fixed everything
Last edited by Fates; Jul 29, 2015 at 05:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Yes, I've already added you. You can check the steam thread if you want to add other clan mates.

I've already said I'm a f2p, so I cannot add anyone because steam thinks I'm a bot.
See that's why I was asking if I was a trial, because when I left I believe I was in the position of Executive Officer. So when I cam back I just kind of got back into the groove of things and being trial is kind of weird for me because that means I can't post anywhere. But okay. Umm... I guess I'll delete my posts in places other than here and the replay section.

Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Does that rule apply to returning staff, as well? I'm debating joining back, but I like being in relevant positions too much to accept what is in my mind a demotion.

Grohen, see here is how I look at it. We left, feeling like our spots should be saved for us isn't realistic. We were the ones who left but the clan still needs to move on and go forward.

Btw, Wepp. I do know the trial rules I was just unclear if I was actually a trial member because of the situation. I didn't know If I would have to be so I was checking.
Last edited by Slaybelle; Jul 29, 2015 at 06:04 PM.
Originally Posted by Slaybelle View Post
See that's why I was asking if I was a trial, because when I left I believe I was in the position of Executive Officer. So when I cam back I just kind of got back into the groove of things and being trial is kind of weird for me because that means I can't post anywhere. But okay. Umm... I guess I'll delete my posts in places other than here and the replay section.

Grohen, see here is how I look at it. We left, feeling like our spots should be saved for us isn't realistic. We were the ones who left but the clan still needs to move on and go forward.

Btw, Wepp. I do know the trial rules I was just unclear if I was actually a trial member because of the situation. I didn't know If I would have to be so I was checking.

But I was a good council leader :-:
I think I might be retired.