Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by error View Post
If returning members are meant to be placed in the freshman rank, might I ask why Optimus has received the member rank while Nagato, Slaybelle, and myself EDIT; I actually went through the entire trial period have recieved freshman? Optimus has bragged before about being zues's right hand man or some shit, and if that's why he's a member I understand, but if it's not, an explanation would be nice.

I've kinda realised that I'm getting a bit inactive. I mean, I still post everyday. Coming to the forum is a habit, but I'm rarely ingame, and when I am ingame, I only really play MAS. I'm also visiting the forum less and less fequently. Hell, I used to have my browser open at all times on my computer when I was on it. Now I only open it 2-3 times.

Anyways, I'm currently visiting my grandmothers, so there's my wall o text update.

Since this post has a question in it, and I feel as if it was not noticed and/or ignored, here it is again,
Originally Posted by error View Post
Since this post has a question in it, and I feel as if it was not noticed and/or ignored, here it is again,

Idk cause I'm not an admin, but imo I think that former members should totally get their ranks back. Unless they were kicked or something.
Originally Posted by EliMcFly View Post
Idk cause I'm not an admin, but imo I think that former members should totally get their ranks back. Unless they were kicked or something.

But there is the fact that some of their positions may have been replaced. they can't always be kept open because they need to have someone doing them. But even if they haven't been filled, let's use me as an example. I left when I was ranked Executive officer. We have got a lot of new people since I was last here. I think that a lot of the new people would be less likely to take someone who just re-joined shooting up basically to the top immediately and having to put all their trust in someone they don't even know running a really high rank in the clan.

I mean this is basically how I made it there in the first place, I always put the clan first and have really good critical thinking and reasoning skills. I can pick apart a situation to the most minute detail lol.

But seriously, I don't think that would bode well for a bunch of people to have someone new (to them) having so much influence and power in the clan. Might cause some unrest.

There is the fact that they do have experience in that role, but if they want the role back they should have to earn it in my opinion. So if I felt I should have my rank back I would probably let Zeus and the council know that I thought I was the right man for the job because (list reasons here) then have them re vote me in again so that I have to actually go through a process to get it back. Also, I'm not saying I want it back, I need to get to know the new members, I need to establish myself throughout the clan again before I can re-take a role that has so many people relying on me. The same should go towards everyone else who re joins, you have to integrate yourself again before you can actually run things.
Last edited by Slaybelle; Jul 30, 2015 at 08:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
Good evening everyone, how are all of ya? Also wanna get to learn more about everyone, so what's your favorite genre of music?

Metal, alternative rock and hard rock

Originally Posted by error View Post
Since this post has a question in it, and I feel as if it was not noticed and/or ignored, here it is again,

I actually have no idea myself. Sorry for not seeing your post

Originally Posted by EliMcFly View Post
Idk cause I'm not an admin, but imo I think that former members should totally get their ranks back. Unless they were kicked or something.

It I was to get my rank back, i would be in the council which already looks full. The executive officer is empty tho so slaybelle is fine. What are they gonna do about me? You can't give someone who left a higher position when they resigned.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
Good evening everyone, how are all of ya? Also wanna get to learn more about everyone, so what's your favorite genre of music?

Almost all sub-genres of edm.

I know most of my recent post have been about joining me in-game, and this will add on. jo origin
Last edited by nord; Jul 30, 2015 at 06:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
Good evening everyone, how are all of ya? Also wanna get to learn more about everyone, so what's your favorite genre of music?

Ye error I see your point. I guess we'll discuss if we give everyone s respective ranks back or if we to the trial period THEN we give it back.... Welp to the core we go...
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
I still have access to the core cuz I had access around 2 years ago... I think I'll steal myself and NOT go inside the core.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this