Operation Synthetic Cooperative Homosexual Scrotumified Mongolian Cocks Dueling Pubes
Ok, so if some of you know, some of us are duel whores, but you know what's even better than dueling? Team dueling!
This is the thread where we discuss our profits from high risk team duels.
We'll make about 20-100k a day if we actually do this.
A few guidance:
-Always pay up if you lose.
-If split to profit evenly no matter how much your partner has contributed unless player agreement indicates otherwise.
-Never rage.
-Check the opponents account before dueling.
Team Duelers:
Originally Posted by
Ok, also there will be an entrance fee sent to Adrian to prove you you are worthy to be in this club. It will show that you are rich, good with money, willing to lose, and have dueled before.
The entrance fee is currently: 1TC
Last edited by Adrian; Nov 7, 2011 at 01:06 AM.