Originally Posted by
Nagato, you're eh. You can be mature but from what I see when either in a skype call with you and Meeeehhhh you seem to lose track of what you're saying. Fair enough it's a skype call and no one else see's or hears it so there's no problem there. Just every morning I wake up to the same puns and immaturity in the skype chat that really does annoy me to an extent in the fact that you still find it funny. Embry was yeah kinda immature but he was serious when needed. He's a great friend of mine and I still wasn't told why he left, but he's an example of acceptable immaturity. He made up for it when needed.
If you are annoyed by the skype chat why do you continue to read it? Instead of making public accusations without any proof of what you are saying, take some screens and talk with the leaders/council. That's what i would have done if i was really worried for clan's future. In this way you are just starting discussions that won't conclude basically anything.
Some immaturity doesn't damage anyone, sometimes people just want to have fun together without caring to appear mature. I highly doubt that you, when you are with your friends, are 100% mature and don't do anything stupid. If you can't have fun even with friends... The important, as you said, is the self control and understand how to behave in different situations.
Also saying that the clan would sooner or later die is obvious, everything does, i don't even know why you pointed this out sincerely.
Last thing, have you considered your recent activity? Or i should say, inactivity. I don't think it's correct from your part to complain about guys that helped and (some of them) are still helping the clan to grow, when you are the most of the time inactive. You achieved a great position in the clan, i guess many of us would like to have you back as you were when you joined. Return that guy and i'll accept your complaints.
Originally Posted by
I am kind of getting bored with the clan honestly. The person I play with the most is Nagato, and I enjoy that. I wish we could have more times to play together. I know, I know, timezones are the reason. But Nagato is 5 hours ahead of me and we still get to play, so it isn't much of a problem from what I see personally.
I'm probably the most immature so yeah, I'll say sorry to all of you. Sorry guys, I'll try to improve my maturity and everything overall. Also, sorry for not posting in a few days, couldn't really bother to open up this page.
I'd like to change my rank btw, change me to anything you think I suit higher-ups.
Congrats on the namechange Jenson, ex JenssonFTW
Love you all. <3
Clan's Banana rank is free.
Love you too mate.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Aug 13, 2015 at 12:17 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump