Nice video Jisse, try using Freecam, Bezcam, or Keyframes next time and I'm sure you'll get better ;)

I made this when I was 12 I think or 10. It's easy to make if you have the right program.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
What is teresa figaldo?

Also sub: I suck at making avatars or signatures. Lynx made mine. I only animated them

And nice gif you have there kicks .
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post

I made this when I was 12 I think or 10. It's easy to make if you have the right program.

people may you help me make my own animation!!!!! please i just brought VIP and i need a animated avatar and signature and the programs i got is Photoshop and Gimp
Those arent programs to make animations.
I guess Adobe Flash is what people use.

Another topic, if you read this, "rjayquin"
I think you are a little harsh or misunderstandable on some Texture threads I've red.
It makes you look a little stupid, you could fix this :S
Easytoons is a pretty easy program to make animations with, as long as you can draw decently =)