Wyv, because I'm just sick of him trying to get attention by quitting the clan every time.
How many times it has been already? Three? More?
I really couldn't bear it this time. Got annoyed a bit.

Also, we are hosting a recruitment server atm.
And I doubt may would care about curse that much...
Caring about a certain guy who quits every time he gets the opportunity to quit is just silly.
Also, lol.
Zy be not outta ze caln xd
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Course View Post
Well...friends (most of you, anyway)

Why the heck am I still here? I haven't played this game for reals in months. I believe that there should be a change. I've been in this clan for rougly a year or possibly even more. But - I've been hibernating. I opened this game today and I felt inspired. This clan isn't really hosting anything nor is it taking the true potential of this game seriously. I've matured up since I last met you guys. I love each and everyone of you. Except for the fact that half of you are all strangers or completely immature (apel :P)

So yeah. I gotta be going. For reals now. Later guys : Best Toribash memories lie in this very clan. You'll all probably forget me, because I'll be joining a serious bunch that don't sit there doing nothing. I know that we're all going through school and it's hard as shit (for me, anyways). But you've just pulled that to the limit. Trust me, I'm free at least a few hours of the week to play this game.

So yeah, later.

<3 all of you
-Course (incase you read the entire f**king post without reading who posted it)

Yup, go die.
<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people
Good morning, kam. Have a nice day!
And good night, everyone. It's pretty late here.
Gotta love time zones, hehe

Anyways, trying to write at least something for the paper.
Need at least 4 more pages for it... Not that bad, I guess... but still...
It will be a pain in the ass to fill them with meaningful words xD


I was just trying to express my feelings at the moment. Stop being mean.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
Wyv, because I'm just sick of him trying to get attention by quitting the clan every time.
How many times it has been already? Three? More?
I really couldn't bear it this time. Got annoyed a bit.

Also, we are hosting a recruitment server atm.
And I doubt may would care about curse that much...
Caring about a certain guy who quits every time he gets the opportunity to quit is just silly.
Also, lol.
Zy be not outta ze caln xd

Actually 7.

lol u do realise i was having boring and feeld i wantd to plei toribahs. den i want clan whore

so i kwit bat u rage.

u on peryud?

alsoh forgut dat imaturitities thing oki?

to be onist i only lepht for naos good. i wont join any clan. ill be clanless bat i wana hang out here wen i post. is that hav ok witchu?


i sori


p.s. i dun wan atention. i just wan PHUN :D

[/quote=may]Yup, go die.[/quote]

Last edited by Course; Mar 22, 2013 at 06:08 AM.