Wow, 2 more pages since last night.
Hellopppp: I like it! Especially MetroX and Myself having the ass rape! Lol.
Sniperwolf: I had made one, but no-one liked it...
Playaj: A clan photo in c4d would be the mintest. XD. But make sure you can do transparent textures. All of my textures so far have transparency somewhere on them, lol. Can you also give me link where you got it from? Thanks.
Aspire: Thanks for coming in here and realizing the truth about Nano!
MarQ: I say NO, given the impression I got from Kordiss.
Yampa: You tried to all those things? Not very reliable...
Micho: Do I not get any points for becoming senior member?
Well, that was ub3r long post...