^Not worth it, since passive doesn't stack.
If you want to play with troll builds for ad champions, try 1xIE and 5xPD.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
^Not worth it, since passive doesn't stack.
If you want to play with troll builds for ad champions, try 1xIE and 5xPD.

More like 5xBT, with like 2 or 3 PDs you hit the caps already.

And Riven will be female, and supposedly 'very mobile' [SHE HAS THE FLEXIBILITY LOL].

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
i played vlad today... started off with 8-0-1 then.... failteam failfeeders.... the enemyteam had 25 kills my team had 9.... nobody even had the idea to playce a ward.... even the jungler with wriggles.... i cried hard and left.... it was too hard to stand for me... ohw and my score turned into 8-7-8 cause i allways was the only one to engage and everbody just came to take some kills.... im allmost sick of this game...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
I played a game with a shaco who face checked the bush 3 times in a row, each time with full knowledge to EVERYBODY ELSE on our team, who weren't even in the fucking lane but KNEW, that there were people in there, got killed each time, then blamed it on me for not grabbing as blitz every single time.

Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do with a grab. I'm behind him, not close enough to my turret to get its agro, don't even have my punch yet, and he thinks somehow pulling somebody in to his line of retreat is somehow going to save him? Fucking morons -.-

Also, he ignited blue buff so he could kill it faster.

Then, late game, he says he stopped trying at early game because I didn't save him and couldn't land my grabs. Meanwhile, I'm 10/8/17 trying desperately to stop pushes and tanking pretty much everything for my team, landed at least 5 no vision grabs resulting in a kill, and saved turrets in 1 v 3-4 situations at least thrice. Needless to say, he got shat on by both teams for that comment.

Sometimes this game is just aggravating with its player base's stupidity -.-
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I hate the free ezreal week.

everyone is failing in the mid.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
I'd just like to point this out since I see it A LOT around the forums AND in the game it self. If you are somehow rolling your lane and think you are the best on your team while all the others suck then you will lose.

What some people seem to forget is that League of Legends is a team game, you don't win it by yelling at your teammates and calling them stupid.

Prime example is if say.. a support isn't buying a ward. MOST people say this.

- buy some fucking wards u scrub i dont want shit like you on my team

When, if you think about it, that isn't helping much.

Something much MORE appropriate and worthwhile is. (and I GUARANTEE you it will work)

- Hey, could you buy some wards and maybe place them at x and x?

Key thing to remember is that even though supports SHOULD be buying wards it doesn't necessarily restrict you from buying them if you're playing an AD carry or the latter.

Another example is say, someone is soloing the lane and maybe has died twice already before 10 minutes. Now, before someone says a typical response like "stop fucking feeding you suck dick" don't you think it would benefit the team more if you maybe told them to play a bit more defensive and if that's not the problem then offer lane switches or ganks?

This post is mostly directed to pinheads as I've seen you saying your team is terrible and that you're the #1 star player who carries them to victory every game. Sometimes you have to realize that it might not be your teams fault but your fault instead because you don't put out as much as you were early game as compared to late-mid game. Situations ALSO change, just because you're dominating early and maybe getting fed off of your solo/duo lane changes completely when you throw in 3/4 other unique champions with completely different skills and items, they may counter you hard or you're not having good team coordination.

/rant about mean teams and players, I expect to get people like this since it's that type of game.

Quoting something from one of MMOhut's League of Legends videos where he says -

Expect to do good if you enter the game with a positive attitude, if you enter with a negative one then don't hope to win.
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
I find myself wanting that Arctic Warfare Caitlyn skin, but to get it I need a US copy of PC Gamer magazine.

So if any of you US people wanna buy the magazine and give me the code, I will pay you back in whatever way you want (tc or items or $$)

btw, you can't get it if you are eu. The code only works on na servers. It's also just a limited pre-release, so you'll get it eventually through the shop if you really want it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games