Weppet, Fates, Weppet, Fates.
Fates probably came in for long and Weppet came for like months.
The future is ahead of us now and we nee to be focus on whats important. Because now ever since those 2 memorable members left, this clan has atleast three more important people that is trying to keep this clan alive for almost 4 years. I thank the leader (Zeus/ Drakeco, L3rk whatever you call him), myself, and Nagato.
As for the other members in this clan, you people are one of the most funniest, helpful, meaningful people i've ever met. I'm glad to see that there is people who are willing to help keep this clan proud and well, because we were about to shut down because of inactivity. Thank you for coming into our clan and help us stick together as a family.