Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
that's really degrading dude. you know how bad I feel? I feel like I worked for my position to Council to be called this. From my knowledge, Zeus just promoted you to Co-Leader because he knows you well, and right off the bat you start running this clan like it's a dictatorship. What the fuck.

and that rule. just no. look at the 3 word story thread. we may as well kick everyone that ever posted in that, which may I add, you posted in

yea, not really Nagato. I never made the rules in this clan. Zeus and or Weppet did. So I can't really be a dictator for what ever is going on here.
Also leave Zeus out of this, It wasn't his fault that this clan has been doing wrong. He really needed co-leaders because those two left. And it's not because he knows me well, He needed someone to help him when he's gone. And I've already been into a Leader and Co-leader experience so I know that not everything will go to plan. Just please don't excuse me of being a dictator. I love origin as a family and whoever can say whatever can. It just can't be really foolish that doesn't make sense.
Last edited by Mist; Sep 23, 2015 at 10:42 PM.
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
What I believe he he meant was that even though we co-leaders are allowed to act on our own discretion, we aren't perfect. He'll always be here to correct the mistakes we will inevitably make.

right , sorry. im arguing of stuff that was never said... never mind then im being stupid. on a different subject i beat MGS! with like 115 hours clocked on...
Commencing Project Origin 2.0
No hard feelings, savlon. It happens. I still haven't 100%'d KH2 and it's been like an eternity since I started it. I'll just assume MGS is way harder.

As for Gangsta, please keep that to PM. He was expressing his opinion, not starting a fight.
I think I might be retired.
And I am sorry for that language that have said. I really didn't mean to say rookies in a bad way. I mean't it like they are new to this clan and they have a lot of experience to learn in joining this clan.

So Paw ; Calumm if you see this, im rightfully sorry for what I have said.
And Nagato, this probably hurted you the most since you posted in such anger. But if this offended you, I didn't mean that to hurt anyone.

Maybe watching to much war movies really got me into that saying.

N I know that Grohen, but shots were really fired this time so I had to say something because this was on me
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
Originally Posted by calumfionn View Post
It's OK Gangsta. I'm sorry if I've helped caused any of this fight. If I did I just want to say I didn't mean to.

Don't worry calum. But if something I've got from the rules started this mess and blamed me for it isn't necessary to deal with, then why are we even making such a big deal about it.

I will just leave it alone. And let it be
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
Originally Posted by xxGangstaxx View Post
Don't worry calum. But if something I've got from the rules started this mess and blamed me for it isn't necessary to deal with, then why are we even making such a big deal about it.

I will just leave it alone. And let it be

My bad as well. My post made me look angry as well.
I'll fix up. This is my fault.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this