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Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
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Username: Torifer, Current Rank: 139 Belt: Black Belt (44 Games to 2nd dan)
Favorite Mods: Judo, Aikido, Wushu, and TaekKyon.
Accounts: Just Torifer (Not banned)
Why me and not someone else: I'm skilled. Thats all I have to say.
Hobbys (On toribash): Decaping/pwning/owning the uke.

Hope you like my aplication.
After consideration. I say a yes to ficha congrats. And also since torifer didn't really follow the format I am wavering. Hmm and that low post count.. Well either way post on this page now and then so I wont forget you.
“All the bright lights of heaven will I make dark over thee, and set darkness upon thy land, saith the Lord GOD.”

^^that is the dsc for the new clan^^ I am closing this page tomorrow. Any further suggestions please make them now. I am also not going to really bother pming every last on of you. If you are inactive the fact that I didn't re-add you is because of that (and you will most likely have to post another application. ok that is all. Oh wait pwn what is your email I have that song.
TFVault is it really the new PureDark DSC? or you're just advertising your own clan?

Good luck to us in the new clan, hope I remember to log in to the IRC.
Pwn I love dubstep! Here are some suggestions, and how can i send you replays of me? if you need any of course. --> (Bass Down low - The Cataracs (Proper villains remix)) --> (Guided Relaxation Dub - Borgore)
Yes, scooby i need them. the songs,uh....i don't like em, sorry. i said wubs as in


you know? something like that.
lol yuh-gu-io. And attention every one TF is the new desc / clan so please post there I will close this page at 12:00 pm.