Original Post
Item Forgers News!

Toribash presents...

(Item Forgers)

The Team.

Founder of the Item Forgers.
Head coder.
Icon maker.
Reta & Tinerr
Item Forger coder.
Idea man.
3D Artist
Banner maker/artist.
Texture Artist
3D Artist
Texture Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
What we do, and plan to do.

Our primary and only goal is to bring you, the toribashians new and exciting items to trick out your tori, or even power them up...
What lies in wait for you from the Forgers is and will always be a mystery, but we promise to make you happy with every release!



All items under hints are not set in stone, and may not even be made. We will not reveal information or answer questions about the items either.


Last edited by Icky; Jul 7, 2018 at 06:33 AM.
Originally Posted by PixelateTori View Post
I think it would be at most a 3D item that would be added to the thigh, like having a holstered gun.

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
...he specifically said it shouldn't have some force power shit, and I think he means you shouldn't be able to swordfight with it either.

Originally Posted by PenumbraAF View Post
We could have like a light saber handle on our waist kinda like the cassette tape. just a light saber handle doe.

Yeah man, that sounds cool ^^ On the waist or something like that would be sweet. I reckon it wouldn't hurt to add customisations to it, in terms of saber colours and appearance. But first must come the object itself ^^ I guess it would be too clunky to add a glowing/fluorescent object, but I don't know what is possible.
had a great idea for a 3d item, a saiyan tail wrapped around waste like the one vegita, nappa and bardock had, would go well with kamehamehair >.>
Instead of having items that are purely from other sources like shows, why not basic yet neat items? To fit a larger portion of people instead of catering to a small fanbase of people.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by Bird View Post
Instead of having items that are purely from other sources like shows, why not basic yet neat items? To fit a larger portion of people instead of catering to a small fanbase of people.

most of the 3d items dont exactly cater to specific people
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
phail's legend item is a wooden katana. unless he makes it public (like odlov did with his odd mask) i doubt anything like that will be released.
I've made many, in various positions, they work fine. as Shiro said, phails legend item means anything similar like a katana wont get released

Hi, new item request time

Name:Tank for brains.
Desc: Why fill a man with shells from a real tank when you can fire knowledge at people with this one?
Image (thanks Gorman<3).

And that's about it, sorry if it looks too big and spamy, feel free to get rid of the colours and sizes :P have a nice day~ ENJOY THE COMIC SANS
Tim is bae :3
Sick hat
I think there should be a yamaka, specifically pleasing all of my Israeli brothers.
Last edited by Wildest; Feb 19, 2016 at 04:18 AM. Reason: Shout out to my Hebrews (Fish supported anti-Semitism)