What do you mean?
Are you against the system that we are using?

We installed the elite system to give members that do feats and help with the clan get a feeling of accomplishment.
If you have a problem please tell me.
| tom |
thats "wuts up".
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Umm i guess u Guys Should Make a Co--Ldr U rly Think Is responsible for an awesome clan and just be careful in making the choice!!
Originally Posted by hkp326 View Post
Umm i guess u Guys Should Make a Co--Ldr U rly Think Is responsible for an awesome clan and just be careful in making the choice!!

Talk clearer I didn't really get that O.o
but a better way we need to make a poll [that is what i am thinking]
btw he must be active,has good grammar,high posts above 300.
Its your choice.