I'll have a toritoy! But have you're one week break first. And I don't have head texture but anyway. Here are 3 pics.
Pic 1
Pic 2 (For the box)
Pic 3 (Yes, I want a switchable uke head)
Box Layout:
EDIT: I just realized the last box on the top-right corner has text missing, the text was meant to say "Gladiator Blood"
Anything that says pic means i want fancy writing or if it says "ORC Torso" or something liek that then it means to use the ORC Torso Picture.
This is my first ASCII picture
And obiously there is more than one side the the box, so make up your own design for them, and put the price on the left side.
Price: You choose.
P.S. JePoy, how come you posted the DAT Clan toritoy pack and not RicH.
Last edited by LyokoJames; Jan 15, 2008 at 05:47 AM.
Reason: Editing