Yes through paypal and i recieved lots of money
from him
yet he hasn't paid my recent one
Be patient. Last seen 18 hours ago y'know.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
DAMN i wasted my 270$ on 1k booster.... i couldve gotten 2,000,000 tc +70$ Lol
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)

Sashall, please come back on! The deals, they're going down, and haven't got any tc to pay for them. They're gonna break my kneecaps!

Also, my email is [email protected], for confirmation.
Anyone knows when sashal is commming back? I already send some money for my torycredits, anyone?
First class is not a plane ticket or a stadium seat, it's a way of life!!!!
sorry for this guys,i got realy sick from now one week.And i'm still as hell..Please let me some time,each of you guys will be payed.Please send me by Pm how much you send,and your e-mail,also the page that you've posted on this thread if possible.thanks alot!