Originally Posted by Funk View Post
How do I turn a mod off once it is turned on? I'm rather new to Toribash (actually a few hours into it) and I turned a mod on to see what it was like, and haven't been able to turn it off. Please help!

Oh, I just noticed someone asked my question....I feel dumb x_x
Thanks anyway MrPoptart.

u gotta delete the thing next to mod: in the gamerules or go to mods and select default.tbm
Originally Posted by gr3yh47 View Post
Actually i found my aikido arena. i dont know whats going on the actual eroor is "unable to load mod 40" both players get disqualified immediately and the replay doesnt play

type /set default multi, and then set the game rules again.
How many objects, and of what type, can you have intersecting without them 'a sploding'?
The Crusher Cog mod works fine, so 2 boxes is not a problem... But when I had 3x2 rotated cubes intersecting a cylinder, it bugged out on the collision detection...
If nobody knows, we can always find out by trial and error...
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Btw, I just read that multiplayer mods must be sent to shavit, not hampa... Shouldn't that be in a sticky somewhere?
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
for 3.3 is there a limmit to the amount of joints you can use?
Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die. -Salvador Dali
war does not determine who is right but who is left.-Bertrand Russel
The art of war is not to die for one's country...
But to make the other bastard die for his. -General George Patton