Right when Im going out with my little brother on the trampoline :/

Keep it up in 1 more hour or longer, will´ya?
You made a huge hole with tnt that I had to cover by hand, I warned you to stop but you tried to be funny and blew up the lily pad. Then you started screwing with everyone's nicknames and deopped me. Enjoy your last moments on this server, you won't be playing again soon.
Correction, I put tnt by the house I made for shigechio for a challenge and blew it up, it was not near anything, I made it so I can destroy it. And wow a lillypad, please forgive me Jesus for my terrible crime. And no I did not. You kept logging into my accounts, de-opping and banning me. So I logged into yours. You just tried to make a big fuss of something little.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
You are the one who started logging into accounts, I will not let you turn this world to a shithole like you did with the previous one. You are an immature moron who doesn't know when to stop and doesn't deserve OP.
No, you logged into mine, opped yourself and banned me. And before that you de-opped me, and put me into survival trying to make me drown. And lol, I didn't do anything to the last one but destroy things Gamer said we could. You are a inadequate idiot who doesn't know when he is abusing powers.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?