Christmas Lottery
Here is some advice Open up a new tab that you right your app in and Open the first post/ the requirements then read everything as you make your app that is what i did but make sure it is freeform as you have been told many times.

Sorry for Saying all this as a trial i was giving advice that i thought was needed
MinerIE stole meh hunter
Well hi there, this is my free form app my name is Mike and I'm almost 16 years old.
In toribash my belt is 3rd dan somewhere 600 games till 4th (i know 4th is minium but insanity told me i could still try).
I'm frrom this small country called Slovenia (Ex-Yugoslavia) my GMT is currently 2+ and I'm pretty much on all the time I have.
I'm playing toribash for a year now and don't intend to stop.
I'm very active on forums (9.5) but my posts don't say so... Let me explain I basicly read everything but rarely post so I know the situation always. :P
I'm very active in-game would rate a 10/10.
Well I some previous clans like : Electric, Legendary, Marines, Lucky...
I didn't get kicked but I never saw anyone in-game cuzz of timezones and no ingame activity from most of them...
I make all my sets or art but i wouldn't call it very skillfull but I'm slowly getting there via Gimp.
I got 2 or 3 infractions for things like: Off-topic comment, 2threads opened and can't think of the third one right now but it aint nothing serious.

If insanity said you that you should try to apply here - then I vote Yes.
I think we can take him as trial.
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

I don't see any problems with adding em as trial.
Just 3 small infractions (checked), no suspicious logins or alts so I'm fine with it
Check my Soundcloud ;)
I really don't know the guy but he seems ok.
We can get to know more him while he is trial member.
And beeing active is a plus.
frogy200 u should hang a round a few days until we can make a final decision ;)
Pm me for deals
Yeah, as Insanity said - be patient and be active here. If nobody say some thing against you - I will invite you soon.
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know