Christmas Lottery
my ideals are to help other clans and me and my clan will help in anything
<retret>kicks alert in the vaga <alert242>gg <retret>gg <alert242>actually i prefer dicks and fingers
Wow. That was total clan failage.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
I am really suprised that somebody hasn't sued Naruto for pulling some necromancy. This clan was at one point on it's deathbed. Fourtunate for us, no one really noticed.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
is anyone active in game? or is it because im in the wrong timezone? and i really can't seem to find anyone who's good and want to join this clan...
I am active int game. What timezone are you in Highwayguy?
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
right now i believe it's EDT and it is currently 12:03 where I am right now
and i will probably not see you sman, because you are a black belt
2nd Dan damnit! I will not be demeaned by the likes of you! lolz. I am usually on the roman wrestling server, and if you can't find me, use the player finder.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher