Today I won 2 shiai tokens don't really know what to buy or how to use them, but I will figure it out :3 and Spartin99 came THIRD in a gm tourney!!! Good job spartin :3
Loads of drama happened last night that I'd rather not get into, in short, I'm hated by Lovestoned and got removed from the group chat.
I don't think I'll continue posting here anymore :/.

edit: It's been resolved, haha.
and yeah boxing helmet is expensive ._.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Jul 3, 2014 at 03:52 AM.
So you're saving for a boxing helmet? That's a big goal to achieve, good luck with it Will, any luck with getting into your dream clan?
Last edited by Sparky; Jul 4, 2014 at 06:36 AM.
Yeah thanks sparky! It would be a very long time till I reach that goal, but that would be really cool to have that. And oh good luck on the dream clan slayaa!
A little update
[5/07/2014 7:30:10 p.m. | Edited 7:30:28 p.m.] Mud: You're on a final trial
[5/07/2014 7:30:15 p.m.] Mud: 2 weeks max
[5/07/2014 7:31:22 p.m.] Mud: People will be judging and discussing what you do during this time
Mud is hattersin, the obey leader.
So they've got 2 weeks to decide if I should be in the clan or not.
Damn imagine how cool that'd be.
Being in obey, I'd never leave obey if I got into it, that's why I keep applying and stuff.

Wish me luck everyone :o