Belt: Black belt (believe me, Im very experienced).
Playing since: August 2008
Mods you are good at: Wushu, judo, kickbox and Taekkyon
Why do you want to join woor: Because i have been watching you guys and you seem to be very nice and great players so i leaved my former clan to apply for [Woor].
Why would we want you?: Im a really nice guy and im pretty skilled.
Do you have msn/icq/irc?: MSN and IRC
Anything else to say?: I dont really know if you will pick me but i will ensure you that i will be a great effort for your clan. And im very IRC active!
Excuse if there are any spelling fails, im pretty foreign.
Cheers PhilBro
EDIT: Added some replays.
Application is under progress ~blaj
Thx blaj ~PhilBro