okie dokie here is da start.
Marine stuff: marine timer, marine blood, marine torso, marine ghost, marine left hand trail, marine right hand trail, marine blood.
stuff that isn't marine: orc blood, aqua left hand trail, beetle dq, cobra force, acid prim grad, acid secondary prim grad, all amber trails, gold emote, gold user.
that is all of my stuff so chose and giv me a price i will decide if i want the deal or not, i will also change the deal to a better suiting for me if i wanna.
choose wisely, and remember: don't do scams =P
i am also editing this as sales are being made 8D
and lastly i am also selling head textures, just pm me a description of what u want and it will be ready the next day
Last edited by Fargle; Feb 14, 2009 at 01:34 PM.