Originally Posted by ka2 View Post
Name: Ka2
GMT: + 3
Forum / IRC / Ingame Activity: 5 / 10
Past Clans: toribr (leader) / no-mercy (co leader)
Best Mod: betabox, Taekkyon, free running
Talents: art (video, Corel Draw, Photoshop , ...)
Reason of joining: I liked the idea of the clan, simple but good.
Why must we accept you: I have a good time in Toribash, I think it would be a good menber. And finally, I like coffee
General info about yourself: 21 years, Brazilian, I'm leonardo marques, and use google translator :/

Im sorry but i say no,your forum/ingame activity is too low
Perhaps you could show us some of your artworks ?
I don't like the Google-Translator using part.

It's just, ugly.
Lucent | Solax | Orfeas | Math | Virtue | Rick | Shmevin | Noah
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I know I know.
It's just that, I don't like the Google-Translator using part.

I don't know, I'd say no to him.
If he uses the Google-Translator for all his posts.

But if he uses the Translator just for difficult words, it's okay.
Lucent | Solax | Orfeas | Math | Virtue | Rick | Shmevin | Noah
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Nope, I'm not in the hospital anymore.
But I don't want to change my signature just yet.

I'm still sick.
Not as bad as before, but still. It's not good.
Lucent | Solax | Orfeas | Math | Virtue | Rick | Shmevin | Noah
Fans & Buddies
What ? What are you talking about ?
I don't understand a bit !
Lucent | Solax | Orfeas | Math | Virtue | Rick | Shmevin | Noah
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