My name is DJCHICKENKID I have loved toribash ever since I first started playing the game, but I have never gotten the full experience. I thrive to someday in Toribash be the best, but that isn't possible without a group of clan members or friends that can help me along the way. Prior to requesting to join Obey I was in Drunk. We were rank 32, but then the clan wasn't as active anymore and the rank started to go down slowly. That is why I am here I need a active clan to work with. I am a 6th dan, but my friends say I play like a 5th dan. I have 100k tc, and also I am extremely active. There is usually never a day where I haven't at least checked the Toribash forums. I always get my 100 wins a day, and also I enjoy hosting bet servers. A reason why you should invite me in Obey is because I feel that I am a strong ABD player. My most played mods are probably ABD, greykido, and mushu. Mushu is my weakest mod but I am trying to get better at it. I am active on the clan thread and also I enjoy making friends with my fellow clanmates. I'm 13, and if you ever need anything my Skype is djawesomekid.thekid . My highest rank in ABD was 236 when I went on a 11 streak. I can help this clan with wars, and also I can just be a good friend on the clan forums. Thank you for reading my application