sadly megadoomer thats true...
I hate people who cant support fE.... there are so manyfailsupports... and:
so many people cant tell who really faield after all: the ad carry or the support... which most likely is going to end up as the ad carry´s bad... reason why im not playing ad carries
whatever... sometimes its sad lol is a teamgame
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
>pick up jarvan
>rolfstomp your lane with lanepartner
>enemy jax: lol jarvan noob champ, no skill, no dmg, just hard to kill, fuck your hp runes, come 1v1 noob!


Also, AD carries - I can only into cait/tristana. Their range keeps me alive long enough to be usefull.
Well, not really THAT fast, but still, I usually die 3 or 4 times before I can get a kill.

My most recent game, I finally got to do a complete build. I probly should have done my Randuins earlier but oh well.

I was actually rather proud of how well our team did, the other team just had a better carry that me.

I had the most damage taken, with the least time dead. So I'd say I did a good job at tanking.
The only reason that their tank was better was that we were doing so much damage to him without actually killing him, Endless Rage.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Well, not really THAT fast, but still, I usually die 3 or 4 times before I can get a kill.

My most recent game, I finally got to do a complete build. I probly should have done my Randuins earlier but oh well.

I was actually rather proud of how well our team did, the other team just had a better carry that me.

I had the most damage taken, with the least time dead. So I'd say I did a good job at tanking.
The only reason that their tank was better was that we were doing so much damage to him without actually killing him, Endless Rage.

Tank tryndamere...?
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
>pick up jarvan
>rolfstomp your lane with lanepartner
>enemy jax: lol jarvan noob champ, no skill, no dmg, just hard to kill, fuck your hp runes, come 1v1 noob!


Also, AD carries - I can only into cait/tristana. Their range keeps me alive long enough to be usefull.

>not solo or jungle

Yes, he was a super tank. He nearly made me cry because of his HP.
He just ran in, took all of the damage, Endless Rage, if he didn't have that up then it was guardian angel, along with quite a bit of damage.

I also got my very first quadruple kill.
Last edited by Yourface; Sep 16, 2011 at 12:34 AM.
no idea what you're team was doing losing to a tank tryndamere since he has no cc at all unless you include his slow (which, iirc, isn't even cc)
Sometimes, I just dont get why we lose.
More kills, more gold, better equipment.
More time to get ahead because of the kills.
It just makes no sense to me.
I think it was because my team was afraid to attack the turrets.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Sometimes, I just dont get why we lose.
More kills, more gold, better equipment.
More time to get ahead because of the kills.
It just makes no sense to me.
I think it was because my team was afraid to attack the turrets.

Soem champions are just beast lategame

Kog'maw, vayne, kassadin, fiddle, etc.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
i've literally lost some pretty IMPOSSIBLE to lose games by a NUMBER of stupid evelynn's not attacking the nexus when it has like 200 hp and then they end up pushing back, acing and winning. (i'm serious when I say evelynn's, they're always the last ones left and they are attacking minions beside it, i don't even know why it works out like that.)